Waiting is a four-part comedy web series created by Mhaya Polacco. The series follows Zoey, a girl in college who tries to navigate dating, relationships, and hookup culture as a virgin, sexless and senseless. The 5-10 minute episodes dive into what it’s like for Zoey to date in college while trying to lose her virginity to someone she is truly comfortable with. Through the advice of her sexually experienced and open roommates, Zoey winds up in some cringe situations.
The series has been accepted in 15+ film festivals, some including: New York Flash Film Festival, Los Angeles Cinematography Awards, and No Coast Film Festival.
Toronto Short Film Festival, New York Flash Film Festival, Los Angeles Cinematography Awards (LACA), Hollywood Art and Movie Awards, No Coast Film Festival, GBFF Virtual Experience, SCREAM it off SCREEN, Required Watching Presents: Ones to Watch, Hot Summer Night, Fist-Time Filmmaker Sessions @PinewoodStudios, Toronto Short Film Festival, Universal Lens Film Festival, The BeBop Channel Web Series and Under Two, Independent Shorts Awards, Big Apple Film Festival and Screenplay Competition.
Watch Mhaya speak about Waiting as a panelist on The Hollywood Art & Movie Awards